Our Focus is Strength & Conditioning.
We’re not a weight loss gym.
We believe that what your body can do is more important than how much your body weighs. Progress here is measured by performance.
Being better than you were yesterday is the goal: stronger, better conditioned, and more flexible.
Weight loss goals are temporary.
Eventually you lose the weight and you need another reason to workout.
Or perhaps you don’t lose the weight, get frustrated and quit.
Either way, there comes a point where you are no longer motivated to lose weight.
You can eliminate that problem by training for strength.
It’s more fun and rewarding to train to gain something than it is to try to exercise in vain to try to lose something.
It doesn’t feel good stepping on a scale everyday.
But it feels great knowing that you’re getting stronger!
Letting go of the weight loss battle and picking up something heavy is empowering.
Don’t tear yourself down. Build yourself up.
Feel the difference it makes in your attitude, in your motivation, and in your self esteem.
Here you will never be judged by how you look, how you eat, how much you weigh or what you do in your spare time.
The only thing that matters is that you show up and give your best effort.
Our trainers are not cheerleaders; they are instructors.
We don’t do bootcamps; we do functional exercises in a progressive manner.
Our workouts are not random; they are part of a program and follow a set of principles.
Good form is our first priority. Move well and move often.
Health and strength cannot be separated.
We recognize that nutrition is an important part of being healthy.
Proper nutrition is even more important than exercise, especially when it comes to body fat.
We recommend a diet high in plants and protein with minimal processing.
We have a registered dietician who you can consult with but your diet is your responsibility.
You will not be shamed for your love of pizza, beer and/or ice cream.
No one is going to police you about what you eat, but if you want to lose weight you must understand that weight loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym.
We meet people where they are.
Whether you’re new to strength training or an experienced lifter…
Whether you’re an athlete, a soccer mom or senior citizen…
Whether you want to do kettlebell, barbell or strongman training…
We are a StrongFirst facility and this is our code:
“I am a student of strength. Strength has a greater purpose.”
If this all sounds good to you, you’re a great fit for our community at Baltimore Kettlebell Club.
Welcome to the club!