Old School Grip Contest
November 17, 2018 @ 10am
Baltimore Kettlebell Club
8019 Belair rd, suite 12
Baltimore, MD, 21236
We want to bring back the Old School with unique events and competitive camaraderie. We also want to introduce the fun and excitement of Grip Sport to our community. Training equipment has evolved over the years but grip strength all shares common ancestry. Come test your grip with some of the original tools of the trade!
York Blobs
Ring Handle Deadlift
2 Hand Gripper
Sledge Levering
Bar Hang
Entry Fee:
$45 early registration / $55 after November 10th. Registration includes contest t-shirt and prizes/awards for 1st-3rd place. Contest limited to 20 competitors.
Click here to register – https://bkc.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=9C3223AE-32D1-4A1F-9F8B-E5D81402F5DF
There will be two divisions – men and women/teens. No weight classes or hand. No tacky, wraps, straps, braces or any other grip aid besides chalk may be used in any event. Implements may be cleaned or wiped off if desired before the event begins. Competitors must complete the registration form and turn in their entry fee to reserve their spot.
Training Days:
Get hands on the equipment Sept. 22 & Oct. 20 at 12pm. $10 non-members.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Platinum – $150 event sponsorship
Company logo displayed prominently at the top of our t-shirt for competitors, company logo and link to your business on our Facebook page/website for one year, monthly post about your business on our Facebook page, exposure for your business at the contest, individual event sponsorship within the contest, highlighted and announced at the contest.
Gold – $100 competitor t-shirt sponsorship
Company logo on t-shirt, company logo and link to your business on our Facebook page/website for one year, one time post about your business on our Facebook page, exposure for your business at the contest.
Silver – $50 food/drink sponsorship
Company logo on t-shirt, company logo and link to your business on Facebook page/website for six months.
Bronze – $25 personal sponsorship
If you just want to help, it’s appreciated! Thank you.
For more information, contact Dan Cenidoza at bemoretraining@gmail.com or 410-657-2307
York Blob Lift
3 attempts for max weight. Competitor may call for a lighter weight after a missed attempt.
Blob sizes are 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 (fatman blob)
(Actual weight is approximately 50%)
Competitor has 30 seconds to complete the lift.
The weight may be lifted in 3 different ways: 1) deadlift 2) clean 3) snatch. A successful attempt will be awarded 1 point for the deadlift, 2 points for the clean, and 3 points for the snatch.
Scoring example: 60 blob deadlift (+1) = 61 and 100 blob clean (+2) = 102.
Deadlifts must be returned to the ground with the lifting hand only; cleans and snatches may be returned to the ground with two hands. The weight must be returned to the ground under control for the lift to count.
Ring Handle Deadlift
Unlimited attempts for max weight. First miss and you’re out.
Implement will be a 6” ring handle (1/2″ diameter steel) with loading pin.
This will be a rising bar event starting at 100lbs with 10lb weight jumps. Competitor has 30 seconds to complete the lift. Weight must be lifted to lockout.
A hook grip is not allowed.
2 Hand Gripper
3 attempts for max weight. Competitor may not call for a lighter weight after a missed attempt.
Implement will be the Crushed to Dust gripper made by Ironmind in 1995-1996.
Competitor may select any weight in 5lb increments and is allowed multiple attempts at the same weight but may not call for a lighter weight. A 1 inch set will be contested. Handles must be completely shut using no assistance from the body (e.g. no pulling). Competitor has 30 seconds to complete the lift. The “down” command must be given by the judge.
Sledge levering
3 attempts for max weight
Implements used will be 6, 8, 12 and 16 sledge hammers with 36” hickory handle.
Hammer must be held straight out at shoulder height either to the front or side. Hammer must be levered down to a point nearing the face.
The arm must remain parallel to the floor. If the hand drops below the should it will result in a “no-lift”. The athlete may try again as many times as necessary within the 30 sec time limit.
Choking up will be allowed and count as a points deduction. Each inch “choked” will result in a tenth of a point deduction.
Hammer must be put down under control.
Scoring example:
8lb lever – 6” choke = (8 – .6) = 7.4
12lb lever perfectly strict = 12 points
16lb lever with 2″ choke = 15.8 points
Competitor will have 30 seconds to complete the lift and may take as many attempts as necessary.
Bar Hang
Straight arm hang for time from a chin up bar (1.3″ diameter)
Competitor will take step off of a 12” box to ensure the feet do not touch the ground. Time starts when both feet have left the box and ends when one or both feet touch the ground.
General Rules:
We’re looking to test raw grip strength without the use of lifting aids or specialized techniques. Nothing but chalk may be used. No hook grips. No wrist straps, braces or bands are allowed on the lower arm. (Elbow sleeves ok). Contest judge and/or promoter has the right to disallow the use of any other grip enhancers that may have not been specified.
Click here to reigster – https://bkc.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=9C3223AE-32D1-4A1F-9F8B-E5D81402F5DF
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!!!