6-Week Program Custom


6-week custom programming. Initial program $150. Follow up programs only $100.


Program 6 weeks of training. Answer these 4 questions and I will write one for you:

  1. What are your goals?
  2. Where are you in relation to those goals?
  3. How much time are you willing to spend on these goals?
  4. What equipment do you have available?

If you answer these questions in detail, I can design a custom 6-week program for you. Some follow up may be necessary.

The 2-1-3 Clean Press Squat Program

If you want build muscle, lose weight, get stronger, better condition, or perform your best… I can provide a plan that will help you do that.

Whether you are new to exercise programming, intermediate or advanced… I can add some insights.

If you have your own kettlebells, or access to other equipment… I most likely have too and/or am experienced using that equipment too!

Whether you are planning to devote 2 hours a week to exercise or workout everyday… I can write a 2 day a week or 7 day a week program for you.

It will be a 6 week program that specifies exactly what to do each workout. Most programs can be re-cycled as long as the training goals remain the same.




Additional information

Follow up program

$100 for 6 week follow up program


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