The 1 Year Plan

New Year 2020

For anyone looking to make lasting change in their life it’s helpful to think in terms of a 1 year plan. Especially at the time of this writing, New Years Eve, it’s important to plan your goals in a way that you can actually achieve them in the next 365 days. When it comes to fitness goals, this is where the concept of programming comes into play. If you’re not familiar with the concept, or if you’ve never written…

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Holiday Workout Schedules

With the holiday season coming up we are faced with a nationwide dilemma that occurs every year – excess calorie consumption coupled with a shortage of time to exercise! Beginning with Halloween, Americans have made it tradition to eat their way to a larger waistline to enter the New Year with. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condemning holiday feasts or second helpings of dessert (I do it too) but what I’d like to do is present you with…

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Guide to Lifting Gear

I was asked recently what the standards were at BKC for wearing lifting gear. While I encourage new lifters to train with no gloves, no shoes and no belt; there are reasons for that just as there are reasons for lifting with gear. Here are my recommendations… Raw vs Geared Lifting First let’s highlight the differences between raw and geared lifting as these terms are specific to powerlifting. In most federations, “raw” allows for a belt and sleeves only;…

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20 Rep Squat Program

The 20 Rep Squat program is well known as one of the best mass building programs in all of weight training. It’s responsible for huge gains in muscular size, strength and a lesser talked about quality, mental strength. If you do it right, it will build an indomitable will, because it takes such to do it… A lot has been written about 20 rep squats over the years. From Peary Rader, founder of Iron Man magazine in 1936, to…

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5 Exercises for Sitting

You’ve been sitting at your desktop or hunched over your mobile device for too long. You feel “text neck” setting in. You need to get up and stretch! Below are 5 exercises you can do to counter the negative effects of sitting in front of a computer. Recalibrate your posture Stand with your back against the wall; head, shoulders, hips and heels touching the wall. This would be perfectly upright posture, which almost no one has. Spend a few…

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