Farmers Walk Tradition

ready set go farmers walk

It was a workout that started as a joke. In the summer of 2012, when we had to move the gym, someone quipped “The new location is so close that we could farmers walk the kettlebells there!” Not only did we farmers walk the kettlebells to the new gym but we had so many people participate that I had to drive the some ‘bells back to the starting point three times! So began a Farmers Walk workout that turned…

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Maryland Strongman

Maryland Strongman

The following is a personal account of when I won the Maryland Strongest Man contest, my transition from competition to performing strongman, and my thoughts on what it means to be a strongman or strongwoman. I competed from 2003-2008. I did every strongman competition that was held in Maryland during that time and most of the grip contests in PA. Back then there was 4 weight classes in strongman. There was no women’s division (there was no interest), no…

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Specialty of a Strongman

I recently asked a Crossfit coach if he had a specialty. I was curious because I figured if he had a particular area of expertise, I might be able to connect with him on a different level than a CF coach, which I am not. I’m not a Crossfitter, don’t teach it and have no idea what my best Fran time is. But, if this guy was a weightlifter, we might talk about the nuances of the clean &…

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8 Tips for Men Training Strong Women

Reposted from Art & Strength circa 2013 As a trainer of strong women and father of daughters, I think a lot about how to make females strong. The female mindset is much different than my own. Their goals, motives and preconceived notions about training I have to pay careful attention to so I can best help girls get strong. Here’s 8 tips for men training strong women… 1. Respect the differences Everybody has different motives for training, different goals…

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Kettlebell Training for Strongman

It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with StrongFirst principles that the way we use a kettlebell has application to most any sport. There simply is no tool better for strength & conditioning than the kettlebell and StrongFirst leads the way for this training modality. What is lesser known is how the kettlebell can be used in strength sports, a realm where the barbell reigns king. Of course it’s obvious that when you compete with a barbell…

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